
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Duckie Box

It's no surprise what we made
Out of our Veggie Box this week.

We used "tear art" to make the sides.
That just means that you tear apart a bunch of paper,
And glue it onto another surface.
So before we even opened the glue,
Miss S. ripped apart a bunch of paper.
She loved it.
It was like Christmas.

Then we glued it onto our veggie box
This is the part that got tricky.
We had to work fast or the glue would dry.
We finished the face by making a beak
Out of the bottom piece of cardboard.
I glued on a ribbon across the top
She wore it "halter style".

We went out in the rain and sang
Five Little Ducks!

Sharing on: Saturday Artist


  1. Love that duck face on the box!

  2. What a cute idea for box play…. and you worked in tearing paper and glue skills. And S. just thought she was playing which is the BEST way to learn. Cool -- way to go!

  3. This is so fun! I bet miss S loved it. The tear art is very picasso- love it!

  4. I love it!!! Come on over and link up with Fun for Kids Friday.

  5. He's (looks like a He, to me) super cute!! Looks like a fine friend for play!


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