It's such a fun season to learn about apples,
And kids love to eat them!
We started our day by singing "Apple Apple a, a, a,"
It is part of our daily routine that teaches great concepts of print, letters, and sounds.
It's fun to see how fast they catch on.
We read Up, Up, Up, It's Apple Picking Time!
We cut open an apple to look at the seeds.
Then we made our own apple tree
We use a paper sack and the kids cut out the green part of their tree and added apples with red paint.
Then the children chose out their favorite kind of apple,
And we graphed it.
(I love this idea, why haven't I done this before?)
Then we peeled our apple,
And ate it!
The kids love to eat their spiral apple!
For our music in motion we sang "Alligator"

With instruments and our alligator piano.
I love your apple trees and your graphing idea! So fun! I've never done an apple theme with my kids but seeing your ideas makes me excited to get working on one. :)