
Friday, September 30, 2011

Dinosaur Week Wrap-up

We had such a great dinosaur week!
I follow some amazing people on Google Reader.
And they have SO many great dinosaur ideas.

The first is from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas.
She did a whole dinosaur theme.
She bought some "dinosaur skulls" and froze them.
Her girls had a great time digging them out.

Check out her whole unit including some math and literacy ideas.

The next is from I Can Teach My Child
(Don't you love that name!)
She had her kids make painted footprints and a dino print,
And then she had them order them from largest to smallest.

The next idea is from Mama Dani's Musings,
She does Muffin Tin Mondays,
And for her Dinosaur week
She made tuna fish dinosaurs, fruit rocks, celery trees, 
and adorable dinosaur print cookies.

Go check out all of these fun ideas!
Here are even more great dinosaur board on Pinterest!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing our dino fun, friend! Looks like you all enjoyed a fab dino week! Isn't it just such a fun theme - so many possibilities! I am already looking forward to doing it again, haha!



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