
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ladybugs and Leaves

We have loved learning about leaves!
Today we extended our learning.
We finger painted card stock leaves in a baggie.

It was fun and no mess!
The children tried to mix the yellow and red together,
And it turned out really pretty!

We read The Leaf Man By Lois Ehlert.
It is one of my favorite books for fall!

Then I gave the children some dried leaves,
And they made their own leaf people.

We read My "l" book by Moncure
Where a little boy finds things to put into his L sound box.
We made our own sound box and put things in that start with the letter L.

Next we learned about ladybugs
(to go with our letter L week)
And we made a ladybug snack.

Out of an apple, banana, Nutella in a icing bag, and chocolate chips.
With a toothpick to hold it together,
And pipe cleaners for cuteness.

The we reviewed the numbers 0-5 by using our ladybug counters,
Which I made by drawing on foam circles.

Then we worked on one on one correspondence
by putting spots on our ladybugs.

These were from my Kindergarten years,
Which I actually used for teaching addition.

I just bought some black pom-poms for the kids to count with.

We also made a ladybug counting sheet
By using the worksheet found here, and some dot markers.
They had to count out loud while using the dot marker
(FYI. I found this at All a Dollar but their called Bingo Markers.)

We finished up by read reading and acting out
Strega Nona by Tommie dePaola
Which has nothing to do with the letter of the week,
But went with our unit of places in the world and holidays.
(Strega was a witch.)


  1. little man student loved your class today! he told me all about strega nona, in quite a bit of detail, which isn't his norm, and just thought the whole day was a hit! thanks for sharing your amazing talents with him:))

  2. Dang, why am I just checking your blog out for the first time? So fun and sent from heaven. I've just been mustering up the courage to make a little curriculum for my Luke to start soon and Walla, here it is, all done and fabulous! I only wish I could be there to share in the joy with you amazing mammas but I'll just count my blessings to know you. Truly I'm amazed at all the clever ideas and can tell they are jam packed full of love for motherhood and learning. OK, I can do it, thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Thanks Katie! We wish you could be here too! I'm so glad this helped you, even just a tiny little bit, that's why I do it!

  4. Great *L* post – love the ladybugs too!

    Have a good Alphabe-Thursday and look forward to *seeing* you again,


  5. You have so much fun! We loved exploring leaves too.

  6. By the end of this week your children will have had a brilliant time and learned lots and lots :)

  7. These are adorable crafts and I like the name of your blog. We have an Earthkeepers youth group that is under the umbrella of one of our garden clubs and I'll have to suggest your crafts to them.

  8. Finger painting in a baggie is sooooo clever! A great project when my grandchildren come to visit!

  9. These are all such creative ideas...

    I bet they had a Lovely time...

    Thanks for Linking such a wonderful post for the Letter "L"!



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