
Thursday, February 23, 2012

There's A Wocket in My Pocket

We read There's A Wocket In My Pocket
By Dr. Seuss

Which is just a silly rhyming book.
So cute.

Every time we turned a page she would giggle with delight
at the little monsters on each page.

So I got out my unmatched socks box
(One day I went through all my socks and took out all of the non matches,
I put them in a box and labeled them "Future Puppets")

M. went through and picked some frilly socks and stuffed them with quilt batting.

We wrapped rubber bands around them to keep the stuffing in,
Then we painted our "wockets" from top to bottom.
M. would have kept going for days,
she made at least 6 wockets on her own until I put away the sock box.

Then this famous Disney Princess came to be.
Cross my heart she made this whole thing by herself.
Love it.
M. Is totally obsessed with all things Tangled,
so it wasn't suprising that she made this as her Wocket.
Here are all of our fun Wockets
Can you tell which one is mine?
I love doing projects side by side with my children,
I think it expands their imaginations
as to the possibilities of what they can create.
This activity lasted about an hour.

Here is Baby H.'s Wocket.

Happy Read Across America Day!
Celebrating Dr. Seuss's Birthday March 2nd!
Click here for the NEA's Read Across Facebook Page


  1. LOVE this! We love that book, too. It always gets us giggling. Now I'm off to go organize and clean out our sock drawers!!!

  2. These are adorable. Thank you for sharing at Fabulous Friday.

  3. This is so fun....and goodness knows I have a gazillion unmatched socks laying around! :) Thank you for sharing!

  4. What wonderful Wockets! I love the princess!

  5. Love those! AN hour?! That's a long time for a little one. She must have loved them! What fun. :)

  6. Great post. Thanks for sharing the time taken, it gives me an idea for how long it might take with my children. I love joining in creative projects with my kids, sometimes I wonder who's getting the most fun out of it!

    Thanks for linking up to Kids' Co-Op!

  7. What fabulous literary ideas!! We are doing a Dr. Seuss theme right now, too!

  8. This is a really fun book, and one of our favorites too! I LOVE that you painted your sock puppets - I would never think to do that - they look like so much fun!!


Thanks for your great comments!