Monday, August 13, 2012

Workin' at the Car Wash!

I wanted to spice up our outside play,
so we decided to have a car wash
(aka a bike and scooter wash).

I got a bucket full of soapy water,
a good car wash sponge,

and a watering can to rinse off their bikes.

They loved riding their bikes up and down the driveway,
and washing them off.

I had to add an element of craziness,
So we had a mud zone.
They really liked creating this.
Once they cleaned off their bikes,
they would ride them through the mud.

We turned on the sprinklers,
to rinse off their bikes,
and play in the yard.
Here is H. doing what he does best,
squishing ants...


  1. how FUN!! Brilliant idea. Poor Cam...we haven't even gotten her bike out this summer. Maybe I'll try this with her!

  2. I love the picture of H at the end. SOO cute!!! What a fun idea! I will have to try this with my boys! :)

  3. What a wonderful idea! I can't wait until it warms up here so that we can give this a go too!


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